
Hello! I'm a systems engineer with a B.A. degree in Computer Science and Environmental Biology from Columbia University. I'm interested in full-stack development, embedded programming, robotics, computer vision, graphics and animation. I also dabble in marine biology and diving.

Technical Projects

Dumbo Octopus Dancing Robot CUDA SolidWorks RaspberryPi Python Robotics

Designed, constructed and reiterated prototype of a bio-inspired robot using eight serial bus revolute servomotors to make dance moves in a team of 2, from manufacturing using 3D printing, soldering electronics, conducting simulation to programming on Raspberry Pi controller.

3D Reconstruction of Wall-E Robot MeshLab Python Graphics

Wall-e reconstructed in MeshLab

Implemented a TSDF fusion loop algorithm with transform functions to integrate RGB-D images from camera poses into a 3D reconstruction model of Wall-E Robot.

GenBio Database HTML Bootstrap Jinja Flask PostgreSQL Databases

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Home Page
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Login Page
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Registration Page

Integrated interests in marine biology and ecology into building a web app connected to a database server in a team of 2 that allows users to access Gebbank genetic sequences and GBIF occurrence data of various organisms.

Pick and Place Robotic Path-Planning Python PyBullet PyTorch Robotics

RRT Algorithm of a pick and place UR5 robot

Manipulated UR5 robot to perform autonomous bin picking in simulation. A rapidly exploring random tree (RRT) path planning algorithm was written to implement grasping of items from one bin to another while avoiding collision with obstacles.

Histogram Based Object Tracking Matlab Vision

Man in black and white being tracked in a red box

Developed a vision system that tracks the location of an object across video frames regardless of changes in appearance, pose and scale. Using color histogram based tracking, the algorithm generates a color map from the object of interest, and computes subsequent color histograms based on the same color map for comparison.

Learning-Based Self-Driving Robot Python PyBullet PyTorch Robotics

Wall-e Navigating a Bounded Curved Polygon

Trained a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) as action classifier using imitation and transfer learning that teaches Wall-E robot to trace any boundaries by hitting landmarks from collected demonstration image observation.

Space Impact Atmel Studio Putty C / C++ Embedded Systems

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Game in Progress
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Game Diagram

Implemented basic functionality of the Space Impact game with joystick, sound and additional features on the AVR Atmega324A microcontroller that allows user interaction and outputs the display to a LED matrix board and the serial terminal.

Object Segmentation and Pose Estimation PyTorch GCP Graphics

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RGB Input Image
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Predicted Mask
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Predicted Pose

Constructed a neural network to perform segmentation using RGB images and ground truth instance segmentation masks from simulated camera. The model is then used with depth images to estimate object pose.

Object Detection and Properties Computation Python OpenCV Vision

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Implemented a streamlined computer vision pipeline that processes images of a robotic gripper in layered assembly. They include a watershed algorithm to filter out voxel relative positions from gripper, calculations of centroid and orientation offsets, perspective correction on gripper outline and hough line transform to detect electrode boundaries.

Biology Projects

Functional and Genetic Regulation of Thermal Stress in Intertidal Mussels RNA Sequencing R HPC Molecular Ecology

Senior Thesis Poster

Conducted funded senior thesis that investigates the physiological and molecular mechanisms of thermal regulation in mussels. Undertook heat ramping experiments to measure physiological variables and perform RNA sequencing. Analyzed physiological data using R and performed bioinformatics on gene expression profiles using high performance computing.

Genetic Basis of Red and Blue Coloration in Betta Splendens DNA Extraction Matlab Genetics

Betta Splendens Presentation

Assisted with data collection of color phenotypes and genomes of the Siamese fighting fish to study the consequences of domestication by taking fin-clips and photos from live fish, managing the fish database, setting up lab-based behavioral assays, performing tissue preparation, next-generation sequencing and in-situ hybridization. Carried out image analysis on fin morphology of Betta Splendens using ImageJ and Matlab.

Cobbling Together Biodiversity Patterns within Kelp Forest Ecosystems DNA Extraction Linux Molecular Ecology

Laidlaw Scholars Poster at Columbia Undergraduate Research Symposium

Performed DNA metabarcoding on cobbles covered with crustose coralline algae by carrying out molecular lab work including DNA extraction, PCR, library preparation and bioinformatic analysis of DNA sequencing FASTQ files using Linux, Python, R and BLAST to characterize the biodiversity of kelp forests along the Californian coast.

Ecological drivers of group-living in sponge-dwelling Elacatinus lori gobies Underwater visual census MeshLab Behavioural Ecology

Belize Gobies Presentation

Received funding to assist in marine field expedition to Glover's Reef Research Station in Belize to study the social structure of Elacatinus lori. Designed and assembled aquarium, performed animal care, conducted underwater visual census of E. lori distribution in tubular sponges, sexed and tagged fish, devised and assisted in field experiments.


Youth Activism in Climate Change Education Climate Education

Published Paper in School Science Review

Safaya, S., Rines, M.L., Leung, D.S.K., Pang, H.L.T., Yeung, Y., Gobbi, G., Asinas, C., Schaefer, E.A.; Yu, C.K.Y., Lamond, S., Juels, T., Chu, A., Fung, H.C., Chung, C.H.V., Chung, H.L.L., Yung, Z.S., Lun, H.H.M., Ng, C.Y.J. (2021). Listening to youth: how to close the knowledge-action gap in climate change education. School Science Review, vol. 103, issue 383.

Species Description of Barentsiidae and Loxosomatidae Families Marine Zoology

Published Literature Review on Entoprocta

Leung, Debbie (2020). Comparison and Contrast of Barentsiidae and Loxosomatidae in terms of Life History, Behavior, Anatomy, Physiology, Ecology, Systematics and Biogeographical Distribution. Invertebrates of the Coral Sea.

Opinion Piece on Career Choices in Hong Kong Higher Education

Published Op-Ed on SCMP

Leung, Debbie (2018). Hong Kong students don't have to be doctors -- they should pursue careers that matter to them. South China Morning Post.